
OverDrive is the digital book and multimedia library with the widest collection in the world, founded 30 years ago.
- More than 3,500,000 books
- More than 12,000 publishers
- 52 language
- It serves more than 34,000 libraries with electronic books / audio books / videos.
Yayınevlerinden bazıları: Zondervan, HarperCollins, Penguen, Random House, Barnes & Noble, Bloomsbury, DK Publishing, BBC, Pearson, Columbia University Press, Yale University Press, Princeton University Press, Cambridge University Press, Thomas Nelson, Baker Publishing Group, Faber & Faber.
- OverDrive creates your virtual library according to your own library policies.
- Quick access to e-books.
- You can manage the user account and view the information.
- You can read your books without having to download any additional programs, no need for an ADOBE ID.
- Works perfectly with iPod / iPhone / iPad, smartphones, portable video tools, audio players, eBook readers and more.
- List of publishers working with OverDrive:https://www.overdrive.com/publishers
Libraries using OverDrive in Türkiye are as follows:
- Bilkent University
- Hacettepe University
- İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitude
- Ankara University
- Gazi University
- Marmara University
- Özyeğin University
- İstanbul University
- Şırnak University
- Ministry Of Development
- Kadir Has University
- Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
- Işık University
- Aydın University
- Enka Schools
- Robert College
- OdeaBank