
We help libraries thrive in a digital-first world by empowering librarians to shine and provide amazing service to users. Curate resources and share knowledge, provide answers, engage your community, deepen relationships with users, analyze the use of library services - all with Springshare's #librarianfirst software platform.
LibGuides is an easy-to-use content management system deployed at thousands of libraries worldwide. Librarians use it to curate knowledge and share information, organize class and subject specific resources, and to create and manage websites. Increase the usage of your library's resources and content by showcasing them in LibGuides.
- Create Subject, Course, or Topic Guides.
- Supplement Information Literacy Efforts.
- Conduct Library Instruction Programs.
- Manage A-Z Databases List.
- Create and Maintain Library Websites and Blogs.
- Build a Cloud-based, Secure Staff Intranet.
LibCal is an affordable, easy-to-use web platform designed to handle libraries' calendaring needs. Its four distinct modules work together to provide an integrated solution. Hours and Locations Management; Room and Equipment Reservations; Event Registration and Management; and Librarian Appointment Scheduler.
- Custom registration forms & images of rooms.
- Outline Terms & Conditions of room usage.
- Optionally mediate bookings for each group of rooms.
- Enable quick mobile bookings with built-in QR Codes.
- Detailed Statistics on Rooms Utilization.
- Integrations with Digital Signage inside your library.
Ensure your users get the answers they need, whenever and wherever. Embed LibChat and "Ask Us" widgets into any webpage, manage all social media communication, and take control of your institutional knowledge with a powerful ticketing system and FAQ builder. LibAnswers does it all, with detailed statistics to boot!
- In-Page, Pop-out, Slide-button, Bottom Slide-up etc.
- Customizable Skins for Each Widget.
- Optional Initial Question Customization.
- Anonymous or Name Required Option.
LibInsight is an effective tool for collaborative recording and analysis of library statistics and data points. Store all library data in one platform, and use cross-dataset analytics to frame data-driven decision making.
- COUNTER & SUSHI Support. Upload COUNTER reports or harvest directly from vendors.
- Cost Analysis. View total costs, cost-per-download, etc.
- Usage Analysis. Observe e-resource usage with total downloads, searches, and sessions.
- Duplicates. Get info on journal/eBook duplicates across platforms.
- Most/Least Used. See most popular and least-used journals and eBooks across all platforms.